In this article we will provide detail explanation about mutual fund investment in India 2023 . After investment in mutual fund in first fortnight on your registered email you will get Monthly Portfolio Disclosure by your AMC Asset Management Company. As a investor you should read companies annual reports, expansion plans, tracking error, NAV and most important compare your mutual funds return with nifty and benchmark index. If it is giving less return in five years you can switch from that mutual fund to index fund that will give you more return because of less N.A.V of index fund. Always choose direct growth plan while investing in mutual fund for compounding growth investment. below is the list of best mutual funds to invest in 2023 india for long term.
1. Best ELSS mutual funds 1.5 lakh Tax Saving investment u/s 80 C
Mirae asset tax saver fund direct growth plan
In direct growth plan in Mirae asset tax saver fund will invest all the dividend back into the same mutual fund again so compounding effect will help your money to grow faster.

As of Today 27 Dec 2022, NAV is 34.58 INR and expense ratio is 0.6% and 5 year returns is 14.61% and 3 year return is 19.61% XIRR%. It has beaten it’s benchmark S&P BSE 200 India TR INR.
Total AMU for this fund is Rs. 14225 Cr. Miniumu lumpsum & SIP is set to 500 Rs. It has lock-in period of 3 years. This fund invest 71.3% in large cap, In mid cap company it invest 18.9% and in small cap it invest 8.7% of total AMU. This fund started on 28 Dec 2015.

2. Top small cap mutual fund with higher growth potential – Axis small cap fund direct growth plan
Axis small cap fund direct growth plan fund is for high risk taker investor because it invest most of the amount in small cap companies. Expense ration for this fund is 0.51% and 5 years return is 18.38% and 3 year return is 35.03%.
This fund is beaten it’s benchmark S&P BSE Smallcap TR INR. Total AMU for this fund is ₹11358 Cr. Minimum lumpsum amount you can invest is 500 Rs. and for SIP you can start investing by 100 Rs. Exit load is 1% and there is no lock in period. Axis small cap fund started on 5 Dec 2013. It invest 66.8% in small cap , 12.5% in midcap, 1.9% in largecap of total AMU.
3. Best Index Funds To Invest in 2023 India – UTI nifty fifty index fund direct growth
If you believe share market will exist in future and indian economy will grow then automatically nifty index will grow infity index is collection of top 50 company of india. This is simple way to grow many without any tension. Total AMU for the fund is ₹9503 Cr..
This fund has beaten it’s benchmark IISL Nifty 50 TR INR. Expense ration for the fund is 0.2% and 5 year return is 13.4% and 3 year return is 14.94%. Exit load is 0% and there is no lock in period. Fund launch date is 1 Jan 2013. Share allocation is as per nifty index.
4. Best flexi cap fund direct growth – Parag Parikh flexi cap mutual fund
Fund manger has free hands to choose from Large small mid cap companies there is no restrictions from SEBI. It’s expense ratio is 0.8% and 5 year total return is 16.36% and 3 year return is 22.31% XIRR%
This funds benchmark is S&P BSE 500 India TR INR. Total AMU for the fund is ₹28546 Cr. Minimum Lumpsum and SIP is 1000 Rs. Exit load is 2% and there is no lock in period. Launch date for the fund is 24 May 2013. Fund manger has invested 73.5% in Large Cap & 6.7% in Mid Cap and 6.2% of total AMU in Small Cap Companies.
5. Best performing active funds – Quant Active Fund
The scheme’s name is Quant Active Fund direct growth plan, and its expense ratio is 0.58%. Its 5-year annualized return is 21.52% and 3 year return is 36.47%. This fund’s benchmark is S&P BSE 500 India TR INR. Total AMU for the fund is Rs. 3480 Cr.
Minimum lumpsum required for this fund is 5000 Rs. and minimum SIP is 1000 Rs. Exit load is 0% with no lock in period. Launch date of Quant active fund is 1 January, 2013. Fund manger invested 42.6% Rupees in large cap companies, 27% ₹ in small cap companies and 26.9% in Mid cap companies.
This fund has beaten it’s benchmark return(10.21%) and category average(12.03%) in 5 year with 21.5% return. List of best performing equity mutual fund category wise.
best mutual funds to invest in 2023 India by Pranjal Kamra
In this article we have provided detail analysis of top 5 Mutual Funds to Invest in 2023 India. Remember two investment strategy High Quality Funds for Long Term.
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